Aero+ エアロ 東京・新橋の性感ゲイマッサージ


We are running one of the most famous gay massage stores in tokyo. If you are interested in our service but it is the first time for you to use it, please let us ask whatever you have questions.
In Aero+, we pursue thoroughly the great feeling of the standard massage and the high quality of our Thai style massage rooms and our gay massage staff. We introduce the secret of Aero+ service to you.


The 75% Repeaters Use Our Service. The Five Thai Style and Other Types Massages.

体に直に触れるゲイマッサージだからこそ、気持ち良く癒されてほしい。エアロでは、ライセンスを保有した講師の研修を全スタッフがクリアし、非常に高いマッサージ技術を持ち備えています。タイ古式、ロミロミ、スウェーデン式など、バラエティ豊かな5種のマッサージで、心も体もリフレッシュ!In Aero, there are several Massage staff who have Thai style massage licenses and our staff finished taking all of massage trainings and the tests. In addition, we provide not only Thai style massage but also Lomi Lomi massage, Swedish style massage and so forth with you.

Week day, weekend, holiday: noon to 2am (the following day), and Reservations available for 24 hours

エアロは12時から26時まで年中無休で営業。いつでも快適にご利用いただけます!深夜まで個室がオープンしているので、仕事帰りにもお気軽にどうぞ!さらに、オンライン予約の返信がスピーディ。メールだけでも即日予約ができるので、癒されたくなった日は職場からスマホでこっそりと!In Aero+, we are open from 12pm to 2am( the following day), so please feel free to call us after you work late. Furthermore, we recommend you to make an appointment online! When you would like to relax your body and take a massage with a handsome massage staff, we are sure we help your desire!

We Realize Your Hope in Our Complete Private Massage Room

全個室が独立ワンルーム型。マッサージベッドやアメニティもこだわりました。「スッキリしたい!」と思い立った時、エアロなら即入室可能!営業時間内は各個室にスタッフが待機しています。プライバシーが守られた快適な空間で、最初から最後までスタッフと二人きりでお過ごしいただけます!We only have one bed room style private massage rooms. We also only use high quality amenities and massage bed imported directly from Thailand. When you would like to take a massage, our handsome massage staff are always available, so please call us! We are sure that we protect your private information by law, so please enjoy our service.

We Have Various Massage Staff (Kawaii, Cute, Muscle, and All Categories!!)

せっかくのマッサージは、好みのタイプにしてもらいたいもの。50人以上ものスタッフが在籍するエアロなら、今風なかわいい系、筋肉質な体育会系、ライセンス保有のベテランまで、お好みのスタッフをお選び頂けます。研修を受けた新人スタッフも続々入店中!We have over 50 Massage staff, such as cute, muscle, sport Japanese with a massage license and so on. Please ask us what kind of massage staff you would like to prefer.

マッサージ技術Our Massage Technique




We figure out that the 75% repeaters come back to Aero+! (Statistics in 2023) The reason is because of the high quality massage technique of each our massage staff.

At first, the Aero+ massage new staff begin taking various massage trainings. They learn those massage skills very hard for about 40 hours. After that, they are finally able to start providing massage with you.

We can keep high quality massage skills and techniques because of those reasons! That is the our "Kodawari", which means "Policy.

多彩なマッサージVarious Types of Massages

エアロでは基本のマッサージ技法を主軸に、足裏やヒップなどのマッサージを組み合わせてお客様を癒します。基本のマッサージは5種。ぜひお気に入りのマッサージを見つけてみてください。In Aero, we provide the combination of five standard massage techniques with you and we also give you the massages on your feet and hips.


リンパマッサージLymphatic Oil Massage

心地よい圧力で体全体をオイルマッサージし、リンパの流れを活性化。むくみ解消や老廃物排出に働きかけます。痛みのないやさしいマッサージなので、初心者の方にもオススメ。エアロのリンパマッサージは、タイ北部チェンマイの技法を用いたスタイル。深層部のリンパまで届き、より深いリラックス効果が得られます。Oil massage makes your body's lymph flow active. It works swollen feet and excreting waste matter from the body. Our oil massage service recommends the beginners who take a massage for the first time. Aero+'s lymphatic oil massage is adopted as the Chiangmai technique in Thailand.


タイ古式マッサージThai Style Massage

「二人でするヨガ」とも言われ、全身をくまなくほぐすマッサージと、筋肉を伸ばすストレッチを組み合わせ、柔軟性のある体を取り戻します。無理な体勢や痛みを伴う行為はいたしませんのでご安心ください。体が解きほぐされる気持ち良さに身を任せながら、心身ともにスッキリとリフレッシュできます。It often is said "Doing Massage Each Other." There are two types of Massages, which are to manipulate your whole body and to stretch your muscles. It makes your body very relaxed and flexible. Please feel safe that it will not make your body damaged and painful. We will let you feel very refreshed and comfortable.


ロミロミマッサージLomi Lomi Massage

「ロミロミ」とは「揉む」を意味するハワイの言葉。その名の通り、オイルを用いて揉みほぐしたり、優しくなでたり、手のひらや腕全体を使ったリズミカルなマッサージが体の疲れを芯から癒します。寄せては返すさざ波のようなロミロミマッサージ独特のリズムで、ゆったりとした穏やかな時間をお過ごしください。"Lomi Lomi" means doing Massage in the Hawaii language, so that Lomi Lomi Massage is the oil massage rubbing and petting your whole body. The rhythmical massage provides the deep relaxation with your body.


スウェーデン式マッサージSwedish Style Massage

欧米では非常にメジャーなスウェディッシュ(スウェーデン式)マッサージ。当グループではゲイ業界でいち早く導入しました。特徴は筋肉の緊張を無理なく緩和できる点。オイルマッサージで体の表層をやさしくほぐし、徐々に深い筋肉へじっくりと働きかけ、コリや疲れを痛みなくしっかりと改善していきます。It is very famous in Europe. We introduced the Swedish style massage for the first time in the gay massage field. The characteristic is to let your body relaxed naturally and gradually. The Swedish style massage improves your stiffness in your body and tiredness


指圧・整体Shiatsu [Finger Pressure Therapy]・Japan Style Chiropractic [Manual Therapeutics]

指で圧力をかける指圧、体の歪みを改善する整体、日本で馴染みのある手技を取りれたマッサージで筋肉のコリや疲れを癒します。大きくひねる、骨をボキボキ鳴らすなどの行為はいたしませんのでご安心ください。硬くなってしまった筋肉がほぐされ、体が軽くなったような気持ち良さを感じていただけます。It is the pressure therapy that massage staff give you a massage using fingers and it improves body misalignment. In Japan, the finger pressure therapy is the most popular massage method and it cures stiffness and tiredness of your body. We will not twist your body and will not let your bones cracked. After the finger pressure therapy relieves your muscles, your will feel light on your whole body.

アロママッサージAroma Oil Massage

オイルマッサージでは、本場タイから直輸入したハイグレードなオイルを使用。柑橘系の爽やかな香りに包まれながら心休まるひと時を。ご希望に応じて無香のオイルもご用意しています。In aroma oil massage, we use high quality citrus massage oils, imported directly from Thailand. We also prepare unscented massage oils for you.

足裏マッサージFoot Massage

人体のツボが集中していると言われる足裏。オイルで丹念にマッサージすることで血流改善に働きかけ、足のむくみや疲れをスッキリさせます。よく歩かれる方や立ち仕事の方にご好評です。It is said that there are several pressure points on feet. Because we give you a massage on your feet, it improves your swollen feet and tiredness of your legs.

ヒップマッサージHips Massage

デスクワークなどで、知らず知らずのうちに臀部に疲労が溜まることも。普通のマッサージではあまり触れることのない部位ですが、エアロでは素肌のヒップをしっかり揉みほぐします。In paper work and so on, we are not aware that our body, especially backs and hips, get gradually tired. In Aero+, we also give you a massage on your hips well.

睾丸マッサージTesticle Massage

睾丸と周辺のデリケートな部分を、ツボを心得た男性同士ならではの絶妙な加減で気持ちよくマッサージ。精力増進も期待できます。ご希望の場合はお気軽にスタッフにお申し付けください。Testable and the around area of your body are very sensitive spots and a lot of pressure points are also gathered. We give you a massage around those area and we will provide the great feelings with you.

ご利用の流れFlow of Use

STEP1ご予約開始How to Make a Reservation



Please make a reservation online or on the telephone, first.
If you do not understand how to make a reservation about our massage services, please feel free to ask us. We will find you the best massage staff that you would like. We will kindly and carefully correspond with your inquiries until you are satisfied.

STEP2ご予約完了After Reservation



We will inform you the reservation time after you confirm.
Please let us know if you would like to change the time you visit. We will adjust your visiting time as much as possible.

STEP3ご来店Access Map



After you make a reservation, please visit our massage room on time. We recommend you to check the map before you visit. Please Click "ACCESS"
Please call us on the telephone if you are not sure where our massage room.

STEP4マッサージ前Before Massage



We prepare a welcome drink for you, so please make yourself at our massage room and let us know what kind of massage you would like to take.

STEP5マッサージ開始Massage Time



Please enjoy our massage service with your favorite staff. The massage time will start when you take a massage until finishing a refresh time at the end of it.

STEP6マッサージ後After Massage



After taking a massage, we have a shower time for you, so please enjoy yourself. We use a high grade and expensive massage oils and it provides fresh feeling and moisturizing effect with you skin. Please feel free to use a hair dryer and hair wax.